20 May 2013

No. 42: Do a Charity Walk

No. 42: Do a Charity Walk
The One Fund Boston 2013 5K

As mentioned here and here I signed up to do my first Charity Walk.

I'm not a runner, never have been, never wanted to be so I never even entertained the idea of a marathon.  I wanted something do-able and rewarding and this walk seemed to fit the bill.

You can read my reasons for choosing this walk here.

My extremely generous and kind boss also had our office signed up as a sponsor so that made the walk even better. I had fun people to hang with and walk with during the event. (My own family was not in attendance, so the work family filled in.)

My rigorous training technique centered on walking Carlos the amazing (and very strong) dog every day for a few weeks before the event.  Carlos likes to pull me along and all of my dog training efforts have been to no avail in stopping him. That worked to my advantage because an eager dog walks quickly so I was up to a pretty brisk two miles every day. 

My trainer.

Fundraising consisted of me shamelessly begging from all of my friends and family by email and Facebook. 
If I was going to walk, I wanted to make it count.

(And it isn't too late if you still want to donate, but hurry!  Click HERE and look for my name: Bartley)

My walk number was amazing:

Yay me! 
Little did I know there was a reason I got this number.
And it wasn't because I registered first.

Over 600 people registered overall.  Race day was gorgeous and there was music, a crowd, food and wonderful volunteers. A street party!

Here's me and my boss, Sonya, handing out snacks 
and water bottles before the race.
(Ok, maybe we are just posing here.)
WTG Mirvana Acupuncture for being a sponsor.

At 9:00am we were off. 

I like when the instructions are clear!

I walked and talked with this lovely lady which kept us both at a snappy pace and made the 5K/3.1 miles go quickly.

My morning walk partner.

Final walk time:  47 minutes and 24 seconds.  A pretty brisk 3.1 miles. 

Final fundraising total from my fabulous friends and family donated in my name: $628.00

Biggest surprise of the day:  I was the highest individual fund raiser of the walk.  
My name was announced, roses were presented, I was embarrassed. It was perfect and amazing.
It was because of my generous donors that I got Number One.  Thanks guys!

Who knew harassing your friends 
could get you flowers??

Here I am almost across the Finish line: 

VoilĂ ! Almost there.

There will be an official photo coming soon which I will subject you to, also. Sorry.

No. 42: Fun and DONE!

Thank you to everyone who donated on my behalf.

1 comment:

the blogivers said...

Good for you, and hooray for being #1! :)