28 July 2015

No. 22: Surprise a friend in another city for lunch

No. 22: Surprised. or at least unexpected.

I mentioned last week that I managed to knock off two of my challenges while in Texas.

I'm counting No. 22: Surprise a friend in another city for lunch, even though I didn't actually make it for lunch. More like dinner. But I can assure you my showing up was a surprise. Or at least not the tiniest bit preplanned. 

Leaving Colorado, we were a little caravan of three cars. Bunny and I in her car, Bunny's friend boy drove his truck pulling a U Haul and the friend boy's mama was in her car.   We didn't 100% stay together but we did all meet up at the Texas/New Mexico State line. 

Back in Texas.

And then the really really long part of the trip began. 
Bunny and friends were determined to do the drive in one day. 
We stopped for lunch in Dumas. If you are ever in the armpit of Dumas between 11am and 2:30pm on a weekday, stop at the Alley Cafe.  To say this cafe has limited hours is an understatement but the food was so fresh and yummy. A lovely respite from drive through fast food and Stop N Rob Convenience store snacks.   

Since Carlos was with us, he got to stay in the car. The restaurant is behind the courthouse so I felt fairly comfortable leaving Carlos in the unlocked running car while we watched him from the cafe window.   This was one situation where I could not count on Carlos to be protective. I'm pretty sure if anyone got in that car, he would have gleefully welcomed them as long as they took him on a ride.

Let's go! I love riding in the car. 
(What a goof!)

And then we continued to drive across Texas. 
And we drove.
And we drove.
And we drove. 
Texas is a big ass state. 

When the sun started to go down, my allergies started to kick up. So I was not only tired, but sneezing and my eyes were fifty shades of red. 

Bunny and friends were all "Let's keep driving. We'll get in at 1:am! We can do it." Remember the friend boy was pulling a big Uhaul. I was skeptical. 

About 9:30pm I was done. Just done. Tired of the car. Tired of driving. Tired of trying to make it across Texas. 

Fortunately I had been texting off and on with friend Sue who has a house here in Colorado. That's how I met her. I saw a huge Cadillac with Texas plates go up my Colorado road and had to investigate.  Carlos and I took a walk and met Sue and her husband, Mike, and their three dogs, Sophie, Skip and Molly. We all hit it off right away. Well, everyone except Carlos and Molly. Those two still aren't the best of friends.

Mike with Molly, Skip, Sophie and Carlos.

Anyway, Sue graciously offered me a room for the night. We were coming up on Ft. Worth at that point, Bunny was driving and I was toast. Everyone else felt like going on. We all stopped, Bunny got in the truck with her friend. I put Sue's address into the GPS. Ten minutes later Carlos and I were being welcomed into my sweet friend's  home, dinner still on the stove for me, treats and a backyard to play in for Carlos. 

And did the rest of them make it all the way to Sugar Land? 
No. On the other side of Ft Worth, they caved in also. Found a hotel. 

But I'm counting my unexpected arrival at Sue's house as "surprise a friend for lunch". (Dinner). 

Because you know what? Surprising someone out of town is not as easy as you'd think. I almost accomplished it once, then weather came into play (snow I think that day). But really...if you are going to the trouble of leaving town, usually you make plans to meet people so that you know you will get to see them. Spontaneity is harder to pull off than you might think! At least in this case.

So. This counts. 

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