10 January 2013

No. 44: Read a book a week for a month

No. 44: A book a week for a month. O boy!

This is hardly a real challenge-more of a nudge. I love to read. I love real books. I love my Kindle. I love magazines. I love the newspaper, online and in real, messy paper. Heck- I'll read the back of a cereal box.

Sometimes Spider Solitaire or Words With Friends on my iPad will lure me away from actual reading.  The new beckoning call of HGTV from the shiny black boxes around the house is hard to resist.  Real people need interaction.

So, January 2013, which is starting out to be a chilly and damp January, will be the month I commit to reading. Reading books.

Disclaimer: I am not Oprah.
This will not be Oprah's Book Club.

I have a selection that I ordered back in December. These are books that I've read about or heard about or for some reason the title sounds interesting. Little blurbs torn out of the paper or a magazine have been transformed from book review to actual book with the magic of Amazon and a credit card.

Looks like fun. All I need is a hot chocolate, a blanket, a warm fire...
ummm.... and some peace and quiet.

The selection:
First impression? Locavorism gone mad in suburbia.

Marriage, children, child care- I think I can relate to this one.

(Hmmm... so far a possessive group of authors. My this, My that, My, my, my.)

Pretty sure this one has no redeeming qualities beyond a good romping read. I'm okay with that. Can't live on War and Peace alone.
(Not that I have any intention of reading War and Peace.)

This one is about Synesthesia- a sensory gift that I would LOVE to have. Sadly, I don't.

A bonus book dropped in my lap by my 14 year old: The Fault in Our Stars by John Green.
Teenagers and cancer. O dear.

Reviews to come.
Stay tuned. 


LibbyP said...

I just received four books from Amazon today - and I downloaded one on my Kindle last night. My book club meets Tuesday (reading Pride and Prejudice - which is my favorite book but I'm rereading just for the meeting). They have a book for next month. Western Michigan U has a city-wide book suggestion. And my church is reading a book together. Also ordered a wildflower guide and a bird guide. So exciting! Must log off so that I can start reading. I was supposed to grocery shop today....

LibbyP said...

I forgot - I also ordered a biography of Lady Bird Johnson - An Oral History by Michael Gillette. Reading that one first!

Nancie Nelson said...

What are the other ones you ordered? I'm always looking for a good read. Have a Colorado trip coming up and will need airplane material.

Nancie Nelson said...

And... after you read Pride and Prejudice read Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.
It is the same book except that it throws zombies in- very entertaining and I read them back to back- keeping the original by my side so I could compare as I went.
It would be a GREAT way to get teens into reading the classics.
There is also Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters but it didn't catch my interest as well.

LibbyP said...

Nancie, I have P&P&Z but found I liked the concept better than the text! The two books I'm starting now are The Submission by Amy Waldman (for the Kalamazoo read together project and my book club) and Rediscovering Values by Jim Wallis (for church - and I fit pretty well at this church, so I'm hoping to like it). My favorite recent book is 7: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess by Jen Hatmaker. For nonfiction, I was interested in The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks - got a little repetitive towards the end, but still fascinating.