04 September 2016

Perfume, Portrait, Power

Perfume, Portrait, Power on a Sunday Morning...

O rats, I've been AWOL again.

I have all these little thoughts pinging around in my head but I just can't seem to organize them.

But here are a couple of things that have caught my attention this past week.

THIS video:

I've written about perfume before and how I crave the power of a signature scent. I've pretty well settled into Ce soir ou Jamais.  I am also anxiously awaiting the arrival of Hermès new scent, Galop d'Hermès, out this month.  Who knew roses melted my butter? Certainly not me. Roses bring up visions of little old ladies and floral sofas covered in plastic.   Maybe roses have arrived and thrown off their old person mantle. Or maybe I am just a little old lady now. 

Anyway, this video just leaves me in awe. It's an ad for a perfume I have never experienced but man! I want THIS power from my perfume! If only a spritz  could enable me to shoot lasers from my fingers. If only.

If you can't see the video, click here.
I promise it is worth it. 

And THIS portrait. (Can a picture of a bird really be called a portrait? I guess so.) Isn't he awesome? 
Such a powerful glare.  Not only is it a magnificent photograph, the bird himself has a pretty bad-ass rep. A deathlike stare combined with a machine gun staccato call-all while he EATS baby alligators for lunch! Plus in one of natures little perverse whims, he poops his legs to cool himself down. Power plus eccentricity. A perfect storm? 

Portrait of a Shoebill
Sorry, I don't know who to credit this photo to....

So I guess the theme of last week was power. And I was attracted to it. Because both of these things are power full

Until I get my brain coordinated...hugs and kisses and machine gun noises.

Also, Happy Labor Day holiday to all and many thanks to the people that do the jobs that most of us wouldn't want to. The jobs we don't aspire to. But also the jobs that need to be done. Thanks to the janitors, the trash men, plumbers, (Where would we be without plumbers? Knee deep in crap, I tell you) dishwashers and busboys. Thank one of them this week. 

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