24 July 2013

Up Again.

Looking Up Again...

A few weeks ago I wrote about the benefits of looking up.  The sky is a  vast and wondrous place and if you don't look up, you miss what's going on up there.

The last few nights we have had a full moon and slight variations of the same.   While it isn't a "supermoon" it has been  pretty spectacular.

I went out last night and took a few photos.

The cloud colors are un-retouched. These are not Instagram altered photos. The clouds truly were this pinky orange at 11:00 at night. So amazing...

Scudding clouds, winking moon, beautiful night.
Lucky me.

(I've since discovered this is called a Thunder Moon.  Read about it here.)


The Joiners said...

Meanwhile, we read Goodnight Moon to the babies last night... almost as cool?

Diana @ Your Day Simplified said...

Awesome photos. I was looking for the moon last night but we had too much of a cloud cover. Glad to see your photos though!